16 December 2010

Infinitely by Carles Viñas

Infinit | Infinitely

5 questions about this photo:

Q1. What equipment did you use?
My equipment is a Nikon D90 with a Nikkor 18-200 mm VR.

Q2. What settings did you have on your camera?
I am varying the adjustments following the capture that wish and based on the idea that the image facing the later edition has when seeing. On this shot the settings were: 200mm, F/6.3, 1/800s, ISO 200.

Q3. What software did you use during the post-production?
Lightroom 3.0 and Phosothop CS4

Q4. What is the subject of the photo?
A low tile roof with the worn away roofing tiles.

Q5. How did you come up with the idea of this shot?
I saw that tapeworm possibilities to make a good composition with a bokeh.

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