5 questions about this photo:
Q1. What equipment did you use?
5Dmk2 camera, MPE-65 lens, 430Ex flash bracket mounted and diffused, a dew covered lawn, a chrysanthemum flower and a rubber mat to kneel on.
Q2. What settings did you have on your camera?
Lens around 3:1 magnification, F/7.1 camera in manual 1/200th, Flash in ETTL, FEC +0.3
Q3. What software did you use during the post-production?
RAW images processed with DPP, I took a series of shots with different focus points and then combined them in PhotoShop using the healing brush to focus stack the image to get greater depth of field.
Q4. What is the subject of the photo?
Natural early morning dewdrops on a grass blade on the lawn with a chrysanthemum flower placed behind them.
Q5. How did you come up with the idea of this shot?
I've been doing dewdrop shots for a while often trying to find ones with something interesting behind them to refract in the dewdrop. Eventually decided it was a lot easier to purposely place a flower behind the the dewdrops giving me control of the refracted image and also the background colours.
Extra Q: Please share an interesting or funny fact that happened while working on this photograph.
A few years ago I had some similar photographs published in one of the daily papers. The paper just gave my name and the town I lived in. The next day I was in the front garden taking some photographs when a lady who lived in the block of flats across the road came over with a copy of the paper and asked if the photographs were mine. I said yes and she said: "I wondered what you were doing kneeling in the middle of the front lawn early in the morning on a mat." :)
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