5 questions about this photo:
Q1. What equipment did you use?
Nikon D300s DSLR with Nikon 70-300mm VR Zoom
Q2. What settings did you have on your camera?
Focal length 112mm, 1/800th Sec, f/4.8, ISO 200
Q3. What software did you use during the post-production?
Adobe Lightroom to convert RAW to TIF, Photoshop.
Taken looking up at the building I first had to correct the converging verticals in Photoshop, I then converted to monochrome to remove all the distracting colours and then finally increased the contrast to enhance the reflection and bring out the details of the apartments interiors.
Q4. What is the location?
The shot was taken from beside a canal that runs past the Beetham Tower in Manchester City centre (UK)
Q5. How did you come up with the idea of this shot?
When I saw the repetitive facade of the tower I was reminded of a large print ‘Paris, Montparnasse’ (1993) I saw at Tate Modern by the German Artist Andreas Gursky. When viewed large the apparent uniformity is in fact broken by evidence of all the occupants, their furniture etc in the apartments and the grid actually serves to re-enforce their individuality.
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